
Luxor ZD/ZDC

Luxor - Color Wheel


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The color wheel feature scans through all 300 hues constantly at intervals determined by the user. The scan is applied at the group level, allowing various groups to cycle at different colors and rates.

Color Wheel

➀ Access the color wheel menu by selecting the COLOR WHEEL function from the HOME screen.

➁ Choose a label for your wheel (e.g. CW2)

➂ Select a starting color. This is a user-defined color from the COLOR Palette menu. 

Note: For more information about creating colors, click here.

➃ Select the number of seconds in which the Luxor will scan through all 300 hues, beginning first at the "Starting Color". For rapid color changes, choose a lower number of seconds.

➄ Apply the color wheel into programs, themes, and manual modes using the same principles described in the "Incorporating Color into the Luxor" section on page 18. Rather than applying a single color to each group (e.g. C1), scroll the reverse direction to apply a color wheel (e.g. CW1).

Note: User-defined Color Wheel labels (CW1-CW10) can be found by scrolling to the left.

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