Logo Guidelines
Imbedded in the FX Luminaire name is our reputation for exceptional quality, innovation, and customer service. To maintain our brand integrity, we have created guidelines to ensure consistency in how our logo is used by all employees and partners worldwide.
To download the FX Luminaire or Hunter logos, you must first read and agree to the following Logo Guidelines.
The FX Luminaire and Hunter logos are available for use in only two colors:
Use the black FX Luminaire logo against a solid white or light-colored background.
Use the white FX Luminaire logo against a solid FX blue or dark-colored background.
Use the black Hunter logo against a solid white or light-colored background.
Use the white Hunter logo against a solid Hunter blue or dark-colored background.
Using the logo in Hunter Blue is permitted only on one-color jobs, and must be approved by Hunter’s Creative Development Department before being produced. Please send artwork for approval to: Creative@hunterindustries.com
The smallest allowable size for producing the FX Luminaire logo is:
- In Print: 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide
- On the Web: 165 pixels wide
The smallest allowable size for producing the Hunter logo is:
- In Print: 0.75 inches (2 cm) wide
- On the Web: 90 pixels wide
Leave a generous amount of space around the FX logo.
Minimum clear space around the logo: at least the height of the "e” in the logo.
The preferred placement of the Hunter logo is either toward the bottom right of the page, or the upper right-hand corner.
Do not
DO NOT re-color or outline the logo
DO NOT stretch, compress or distort the logo in any way
DO NOT apply drop shadows
DO NOT use the logo in a holding box or any other shape
To download the FX Luminaire or Hunter logos, you must agree to follow these guidelines
By checking this box, you agree to follow the guidelines outlined above.