
Luxor App

Luxor - Add Groups


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The ADD GROUPS feature allows users to quickly add multiple groups within the app without the hassle of setting one at a time.

Step 1

Select the GROUPS tab from the Home screen of the Luxor App.

Step 2

Select the + button on the upper right-hand side.

Step 3

Using the open text field, select the NUMBER of groups that exist on your current Luxor system. Numbers from 1-250 can be selected. Click NEXT.

Step 4

Select the fixture(s) that are COLOR. If all fixtures are COLOR, then select all. Click SAVE.

Step 5

Groups that have color assignments will have an ORANGE outline. If a non-color light needs to be edited, click on the group name.

Step 6

Select the GROUP NAME to edit. Name the selected Group number with a description, such as Front, Barbecue, Pool, or Patio. Click HOME at the bottom left-hand corner.

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