
Luxor App

Luxor Cloud - Sharing Sites


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Making sure everyone who should have access to the site controllers is important so they receive the information they need to control their Luxor from the cloud. Please use the steps below for adding additional users.

Step 1

From the HOME screen, select the current site name in orange text at the top of the screen. Next, select the SITE you would like to share.

Step 2

Select the PERSON icon at the top left of the screen. 

Step 3

Enter the email address of the user where the site will be shared. Select the SHARE button and click OK to confirm. 

NOTE: The email address must match the email address in the user's Hunter account. If necessary, they can sign up for a free Hunter account here.

Step 4

Users will receive an EMAIL NOTIFICATION when a Luxor Cloud site has been shared with them.

Step 5

The Luxor app will present the following message. Select YES at the bottom to access the shared site.

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