
Wall Lights

LD Ledge Light: Replacing the G4 LED Lamp


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Materials Required:

  • G4 LED Lamp - G4, 2700K, 20 W, 12 V (P/N: G4LED20W) Learn more

NOTE: Do not attempt to use halogen or xenon lamps. The lens can overheat and become damaged. We recommend only using FX Luminaire LED G4 lamps.

Step 1

Turn off power to the fixture completely before disassembling.

Step 2

The lens module removes from the housing with no tools required. Pinching the non-socket side will release the lens from the housing. The lens module P/N is 250030950000SP

Step 3

Remove the lens assembly by pulling downward while it hangs from the socket.

Step 4

Remove the G4 LED Lamp by pulling toward the opposite side of the socket. Once the Lamp is successfully removed, perform these procedures in reverse to reinstall the lamp. 

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