
DX - Time/Date


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  • Set the three date categories (Month, Day, Year) to the current date by pushing the scroll wheel when the appropriate field is highlighted, scrolling through the options, and pressing the scroll wheel again to finalize the selection.
  • Setting the month, day, and year automatically sets the day of the week, which appears to the right of the year.
  • Set the three time categories (Hr:Min:Sec) to the current time settings by pushing the scroll wheel when the appropriate field is highlighted, scrolling through the numeric options, and pressing the scroll wheel again to finalize the selection.
  • Turn past 12 on the hour ("Hr") setting to adjust a.m. and p.m., as displayed next to the seconds ("Sec").
  • To convert the clock to 24-hour convention, select the "24hr" selection box.
  • Daylight Saving Time (DST), when activated, will adjust time forward or backward by one hour on the relevant dates each year. To initiate it, select ON. To deactivate it, select OFF.

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